Unlock Your Writing Dreams with Story Skeletons

Hand-Crafted and Ready-to-Use Novel Outlines and Components

Meet Your Novel-Writing Fairy Godmother

Are you an aspiring novelist who finds yourself grappling with the daunting task of starting a full-length novel? Do you often feel overwhelmed by the intricate process of crafting engaging characters, developing compelling conflicts, and mapping out captivating chapter beats? Look no further – Story Skeletons is here to revolutionize your writing journey.

Story Skeletons have been meticulously designed to provide you with ready-to-use novel outlines, character sketches, conflicts and stakes, chapter beats, and much more. With Story Skeletons, you'll gain access to a comprehensive framework that will guide you through the entire novel-writing process. Say goodbye to writer's block and embrace a newfound sense of clarity and direction.

Here's how Story Skeletons can help you achieve your writing goals:

  1. Find Your Starting Point: Unsure where to begin? Story Skeletons offers detail-oriented novel outlines that serve as a springboard for your creativity. Start with a solid foundation and watch your story blossom.

  2. Develop Rich Characters: With my character sketches, you'll delve deep into the minds and hearts of your protagonists and antagonists, giving them depth and complexity that readers will connect with on a profound level.

  3. Craft Engaging Conflicts and Stakes: Every great story needs conflict and stakes. Story Skeletons provides you with a range of compelling conflicts and stakes to choose from, ensuring that your plot remains gripping and your readers are constantly on the edge of their seats.

  4. Master Chapter Beats: Writing a novel can often feel like embarking on an endless journey. But with Story Skeletons, you'll have a roadmap of chapter beats that will keep you on track so that your story progresses seamlessly and maintains a captivating pace.

  5. Add Your “Special Sauce”: All stories have already been told… but not by you. With additional prompts and exercises to help you add your own flavor and personal touches, you’ll end up with a truly unique novel that readers will love.

Don't let uncertainty and overwhelm hold you back from realizing your writing dreams.

With Story Skeletons, you'll have the tools and guidance you need to write a full-length novel with confidence and ease. Unleash your creativity, conquer the blank page, and become the novelist you've always aspired to be.

Get Story Skeletons today and embark on a transformative writing journey like never before.

What’s Included:

All elements are easily changeable and ready to be tweaked to your liking!


All Story Skeletons are sold ONCE to keep the integrity of the story aligned with one author. But new Story Skeletons will be added to the roster every month. If you want to be notified of new release Story Skeletons, sign up for interest list below!

  • Full plot outline (with a structure that works best for the story idea)

  • Per chapter “beats” that guide you by the hand to “put some meat on the bones” and give you a general sense of direction

  • In-Depth character sketches (and relationships between characters that help you bring them to life!)

  • Detailed information about the core conflicts and stakes of the story

  • Themes, symbols, motifs, and messages one-pager

  • Setting sketch with additional chapter setting sketches

  • A pitch & hook one-pager

  • Ideas for generating additional stories for a series (when applicable)

  • Bonus “Personalizing Your Story Skeleton Guide

  • And a few surprises you’ll have to wait to find!

Story Skeletons are perfect for:

  • Writers who need a “jumpstart” with story formulation

  • Aspiring novelists who struggle with creating a solid structure for their stories.

  • Busy writers who want to save time by using pre-made writing components.

  • Creative writers who need help with developing compelling and well-rounded characters.

  • Fiction writers who want to ensure their stories have engaging conflicts and high stakes.

  • Authors who seek to improve the pacing and flow of their chapters.

  • Writers who appreciate having a foundation to build upon, allowing them to focus on the finer details of their story.

Story Skeletons are NOT for:

  • Pantser Writers: Writers who enjoy the organic process of discovering the story as they write might find predefined outlines restrictive.

  • Established Writers: Writers who have already published multiple books and have a tried-and-true personal method for structuring their novels might not benefit or need as much from a templated approach.

  • Experimental Writers: Those who aim to challenge traditional narrative structures and prefer to create unconventional, non-linear, or experimental prose might not align with the more classical structure provided by Story Skeletons.

  • Short Story or Non-Fiction Writers: Writers focusing primarily on short stories or flash fiction might find that the templates are too expansive or detailed for their needs and while some principles might still apply to nonfiction books, some writers may not find the fiction-oriented structure of Story Skeletons as useful.

  • Writers Opposed to External Input: Some writers are very protective of their creative process and prefer not to use any external tools, guides, or templates.

Meet the Creator


Hi, I'm Jade!

I’m an author, storytelling coach, and creative empowerment enthusiast. I’m also a bit of a rebel.

Creating Story Skeletons has been a labor of love — for both the art and craft of storytelling but also as a way to help aspiring and “stuck” writers.

My students, clients, and other writers expressed a desire for wanting the “bones” of a story to jumpstart a story they wanted to write. Some of them wanted a full blown breakdown to follow, others wanted just a little bit to go off of. I believe I’ve found a compromise within these Story Skeletons.

Using my background in writing, narrative storytelling, and years and years of working in the writing/publishing industry, I devised these Story Skeletons as a way to empower writers to start writing instead of getting stuck in overwhelm and fear.

I hope you enjoy writing the stories as much as I’ve enjoyed crafting them for you.



  • Story Skeletons are structured templates designed to act as the backbone of your novel. They provide a roadmap, outlining the major events, character developments, conflicts, and resolutions typical in a compelling narrative. By offering a clear framework, Story Skeletons help writers:

    • Navigate the Plot: Ensure your story has a captivating beginning, engaging middle, and satisfying conclusion.

    • Develop Characters: Use character sketches to create multi-dimensional characters with depth, motivations, and arcs.

    • Maintain Pace: By following chapter beats, you can ensure your story maintains consistent momentum, keeping readers engaged.

    • Overcome Writer's Block: With a clear outline in place, you always know the next step, making it easier to keep writing even when you feel stuck.

  • Absolutely! Writing a novel is no small feat, and it's natural to feel overwhelmed. Story Skeletons acts as a guiding hand, offering a clear roadmap for your story. By providing structured outlines and character sketches, it breaks down the complex process into manageable steps, making it much easier for you to dive in and start writing with confidence.

  • Yes, it will! Story Skeletons is designed to provide writers with a clear and comprehensive structure for their novels. It outlines major plot points, character arcs, conflicts, and resolutions, ensuring that you have a solid foundation. With this roadmap in hand, you'll have a clearer sense of direction and a starting point for your narrative journey.

  • Every idea that has been developed for a Story Skeleton comes from my own personal database. I’ve been writing stories since I was 15 years old. I’ve accumulated HUNDREDS of ideas over the last 20 years, resulting in a very large database of ideas that I most likely will never, ever get to write. Why let those ideas go to waste when someone else can run with them?

    {And trust me, I won’t miss them. I have my next 10 books already planned out… ideas are my superpower!}

  • Definitely! While Story Skeletons offer structured templates, they're meant to be flexible. You can adapt, modify, and expand upon them to fit the unique contours of your story and your personal writing style. Think of them as a starting point or framework, which you can then mold and shape to bring your distinctive narrative to life.

    Included in each Story Skeleton is a bonus “Personalizing Your Story Skeleton Guide” which will help you add your personal touch and flavor into the story.

  • Yes, they can! The character sketches within Story Skeletons guide you in crafting multi-dimensional characters with their own motivations, backgrounds, and arcs. Additionally, the templates highlight key conflicts and stakes, ensuring that your story maintains tension and engages readers from start to finish.

  • It's a valid concern, but rest assured, Story Skeletons is a tool designed to aid, not constrict. While it provides a structure, the true essence of your novel—the voice, themes, and unique twists—comes from you. The templates serve as a guiding framework, but it's your creativity and personal touch that will make your novel distinct and memorable. Many great novels share common structural elements but stand out due to their unique content and voice. With Story Skeletons, you get the best of both worlds: a solid foundation and the freedom to innovate.

  • OMG! That would be the dream, right? If that happens to be you, I will be your biggest effing cheerleader because no matter what any one says — an idea and structure is only that until someone writes it in their own voice. I may have given you the idea but YOU wrote the story.

    {Of course, I wouldn’t complain if you wanted to give me a shoutout in your acknowledgements or even some royalties if you wanted. 🤣}

  • Due to the customized and one-time-only sale and digital nature of this product, I do NOT offer refunds on this product. So please make sure you do your due diligence before you purchase.